Ontos Edge Consulting, Inc.

Discover revolutionary approaches to enhance your strategic thinking, gain a brand new perspective, and execute your plans to achieve remarkable results.

Constraints, limits, and barriers to acting in new ways are removed. Thus outcomes beyond what is predictable are possible.

Contact us to learn more...

"Barry Berman’s Integrity presentation is not your typical “be a good person” presentation. He pushes you to think critically about how your life is impacted by short cuts you may have taken at the risk of your integrity. If you are willing to take this deep dive, this program is for you and no doubt you will come out better for it."
Aaron Birst, Legal Counsel, Assistant Director - Policy
North Dakota Association of Counties

What will it look like for organizations to move from ordinary to extraordinary?


Being A Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership  
Inspiring Others to Effective Action

A future by design...

Struggling to change the organization’s culture?  
We have a unique and proprietary methodology gives participants access to "being" leaders. Allowing this methodology to use your employees creates
the culture you  want.

Our methodologies are unique, different and work. We give you access to real change.

Our consultants work alongside your employees turning around poor performance into exceptional, consistent growth. We are experts in transferring our integrity technology to your employees so that breakthrough results are "possible". Through “out of the box” thinking, developing extraordinary leadership, offering unique methods to fulfill strategies, and empowering execution that is flawless, you produce what you want.

Working with executives, managers, employees, the guy or gal on the shop room floor, we establish an environment that fosters effective leadership, strong collaboration, open and honest communication and the fulfillment of promises people make. All of this is done through our unique proprietary transformative methodology that gives people new ways to think that generates new pathway’s for delivering on the company’s strategies and intended outcomes.

Schedule a free Discovery call
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The Architecture for Talent Development

We partner with our clients to go beyond historical, everyday common sense approaches to work, to new and innovative methods and practices, so that already successful organizations reach their full potential.

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Rotating Arrows

Unique Approach to Culture Creation of an Organization

Traditional models for organizational change focus on fixing problems, changing existing structures or situations that unknowingly maintains the status quo. We build a new future around your existing one that appreciates what it has taken to get to where you are.

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A Detailed Roadmap for Success

Invent and collaborate a roadmap for success that allows for new possibilities beyond the historical successful ones.

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People positively impacted






of combined
Executive Coaching experience

Our Core Values

We operate with the following standards and core values for all engagements.
And if we discover drifting from these values, we clean it up with you.

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Customized Programs and Services

We custom design all programs and consulting to meet your commitments and concerns. If we cannot see a pathway to fulfill those goals, we will say so.



We transfer our leading edge methodology and state of the art approaches for lasting results and in-house replication. What is critical to success will be your practicing what you learn from us. The distinctions we transfer will use you, however, it will take daily practice to sustain any development. We will support you in this.

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With over 62 years of combined experience, we can see into situations with laser precision, empowering you to discover this for yourself and thus empowering you to think and act in new creative ways.

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Creative and Innovative

We wonder about, explore and consider all sides to your challenges and make recommendations on what is best.  Our job is to open up new thinking and empower you to see what might be hidden. This requires you to discover for yourself.

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Honor Our Word

For workability and maximum performance, we hold ourselves and you as our partners, to high standards of excellence. We believe that trust and workability start with giving and keeping our word. When we know we cannot fulfill on what we promise, we will let you know and look together how to make things right.
We honor our word. And, expect you to do the same.

Latest Ontos Edge Consulting  
News and Programs

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Mission Control Productivity Workshop

4 Half day sessions
Location Online

8:30 am to 12:30 pm MST
Two-follow up coaching call

Covering Course fundamentals, and Implementation of new work practices
follow-up coaching
For corporations, business owners, employees and entrepreneurs, sole proprietors

$1,295.00* -Delivered via Zoom Platform
Group Discounts Available

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Integrity Matters!
Almost Nobody Knows the Cost
of a Lack of Integrity

8:30 am to 5:00 pm MDT
For CEOs, VPs, corporate employees, small business owners, entrepreneurs and sole proprietors

Location: TBD
$895.00 per person


"Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of
Next Program TBD


This course is a laboratory for your leadership development. It is not about knowing and being able to speak knowledgeably about the characteristics of successful leaders, or the stories about what various successful leaders have done. It is not about tips, techniques, or formulas for leadership. A mere understanding of the material in the course won’t get you there. In this course you will be “on the court” in your life and business, developing yourself as a leader and mastering what it takes to be an effective leader. You will not be in the stands observing and commenting on leader and leadership.  

In most academic courses, you are expected to leave the course knowing and demonstrating that you know the content of the course and being able to speak knowledgeably about the subject of the course. This course goes beyond that. Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership is designed to leave you being a leader as your natural self-expression.

6 Full Day Sessions through half-day sessions

12 half-day sessions using the Zoom platform Session
All Sessions 8:30am – 1:00pm MST (appx)

TBD 9:00 am - 11:00 am MST
"Mining for the Gold - Preparation for the Course"

Session 1
TBD (Thursday & Friday)

Session 2
TBD  (Thursday & Friday)

Session 3
TBD (Thursday & Friday)

Session 4
TBD Thursday & Friday)

Session 5
TBD (Thursday & Friday)

Session 6
TBD (Thursday & Friday)

Celebration: TBD

Corporate Fee:  $6,995.00
Small Business/Gov't/Non-profit (Gross revenue under $500k): $5,995.00
Corporate Discounts Available for Multiple Registrations

Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological / Phenomenological Model, is authored by Werner Erhard, Michael C. Jensen, Steve Zaffron and Jeri Echeverria. ©2021 W. H. Erhard, M. Jensen,
Landmark Worldwide Enterprises Inc.  All Rights reserved.

The work we do is unique, different, and impactful. No one else is doing the kind of transformative work we offer.  We train people in what it means to be a "person of integrity, a leader in life for others and themselves" and the huge benefits that come along with that responsibility.
If you have the courage and stick to itness to take on such a journey and wish to explore with us, set up a call.

Integritas Consulting Group, Inc. is actively looking for associates to join our firm, get trained to deliver a unique and different consulting practice that makes a huge difference in people’s ability to experience being free to be and free to act. To produce the kind of results they are committed to. Please contact us if interested.

"Integrity Matters!! The Ground on Which Workability Stands"
Next Course: TBD - Live in Denver and Zoom

For organizations, businesses and non-profits that want their organizations to deliver on their promises.

This program is for business owners, corporate employees, entrepreneurs and any organizations that is committed to producing the outcomes they want. This program offers effective tools to practice that leave people operating with integrity. Thus, workability, reliability, performance, trust and effective action expands.

Engaging in this workshop leaves your employees with a new view of what workability looks like and the tools to make things work. It has the possibility of leaving one fearless, energized, and powerful in any situation. Truly a foundational element in being a leader and the effective exercise of leadership.

Please email or call:
Barry Berman, barry@ontosedge.com 720-837-5291 to learn more.

What Our Clients Have to Say

“I have been working with Ontos Edge Consulting for a few months now.  The hands-on approach, exceedingly honest feedback and real time agendas have allowed me to work through issues in my business and personal life while learning what true honesty and integrity really looks like.  I'd highly recommend this company for any professional looking to sharpen their skills and make yourself a more honest, true, in the moment person.”

Mike Hills – Atlas Real Estate - Vice President, Brokerage

Mark Bond/CEO of Metro Group, Inc. has to say about using Integritas Consulting Group, Inc. as their partner in empowering a new future for Metro Group, Inc.

We have engaged Barry Berman and Integritas Consulting Group, Inc. on several projects over the past year. These projects involved strategic planning, development of corporate culture, and leadership training.

I found Barry to have a unique and fresh perspective to these areas and his work proved beneficial to our company in helping us progress to the next level. Barry’s vast experience provides him a broad perspective to help identify issues that aren’t working and help to correct those areas.

I believe Barry’s expertise can be helpful in improving any organization. I give him and his company a strong recommendation.

Mark Bond - CEO/President - Metro Group, Inc.

The exploration group of a large international mining company had a total of 60 employees. Each group was subdivided into smaller groups located all over the world. Their job was to explore and locate potential rich ore bodies to drill, develop and turn into profit making ventures. Their budget was around $60 Million for exploration, drilling and development.

Every year the group would meet and try to distribute resources to locate world-class ore bodies. Each region would fight to fund their projects for drilling. It was stressful, painful and hard but eventually some would win out and others would lose. The Vice President of Exploration realized that he needed to do something out of the ordinary. We were asked to bring the management team and other key people together to cause a breakthrough in how they function as a team rather than siloes and individual regions. Over five days of appreciating the past, and what got them to where they were, they aligned themselves on a new future and unique ways to approach the challenge of discovery.

They created a vision called ”10 in 10″. That is, they committed to locating, drilling, evaluating and approving 10 new world-class ore bodies in 10 years. A guiding strategy to operate inside of and guide them. At the time, the best result you could hope for was 1 discovery in 7 years.

No longer operating as individuals with their own personal agendas, they constituted themselves to be one group. Looking from that view (or stand) they invented new possibilities for action. They reorganized their regions into one solid team that allotted all of their resources to the best projects, rather than by region.

They sent those resources, including human capital, to those regions. Regional managers let go of their personal agendas for the team goals and united behind one vision.

They also requested lowering their budget, as they wanted to show the company they could produce the same result with fewer resources. Within a short period of time, they produced 3 of those 10 world class ore deposits and were on target for their 10 in 10.

Outstanding Company Breakthrough from Alignment By Design, Western Mining Corporation

“As both a participant and a company internal sponsor of Integritas’s consulting services, I feel uniquely qualified to comment on the tremendous success realized out of the programs for both the company I served and myself as a participant. There have been many times in the past few years were I was able to draw on the generative lessons and tools that were shared in their programs. The return you can expect from an investment in their programs will far exceed your expectations.”


“This past year, I had the pleasure and good fortune to attend the Mission Control Productivity and Accomplishment workshop presented by Barry Berman, President, Integritas Consulting Group, Inc. The workshop provided my Management Team and me with valuable insights into how we could plan and organize our hectic schedules and challenging workloads more efficiently and effectively. As a result, I believe my team and I are feeling that we are more productive, on top of things, and less stressed. Subsequent to the workshop, I also have benefitted greatly from several follow-up executive coaching sessions with Barry. He has helped me to understand that by taking a stand, my team and I can create the future we want to live in to, rather than just defaulting to a repetition of the past.”


“Barry, I am at a loss for words to describe the experience over the last two days… You have exceeded my expectations and surpassed what I thought could be covered/done with the Phoenix office… You were able to drill down and to find the root cause of our issues and provide a mechanism(s) to deal with them… At times the experience was uncomfortable, but from it I see understanding and growth….”


“I have been using Mission Control for years now. I re-took the course with Barry recently, and I have to say, I got more improvements in productivity and sanity than ever before. Day to day I still have a very full plate. But when I reflect, I am doing the most important things, I am doing them with less struggle, and with my full attention. I have minimized those things that eat up time and energy, and no one is complaining – my boss, my family, my friends and my health all seem to be balanced.”


“I have attended many workshops, seminars, retreats designed to initiate a shift in the way I relate to the world that provided inspiration and short-lived bursts of motivation. Mission Control leaves lasting impressions emboldened by practical tools that have revolutionized the way I work and relate to my career. I was beginning to think I had ADHD and was contemplating professional help for this “condition”. Turns out I was simply suffering from an overload of tasks without sufficient structures in place to filter the information. Mission Control — coupled with Barry’s compassionate style — provides the structures AND the necessary dialogue to address the truth of my ineffective work habits. THANK YOU!”


“I spent last Friday taking care of over 1500 emails in my Inbox and Sent To Folders. It wasn’t until late Friday that I had my “Oh My Moment”. I have not been able to get my email cleaned up for years. I now know I was using my Inbox as a capture/organizer tool that was driving a lot of stress in my daily routine simply because of the overpowering number of emails I was trying to prioritize and move forward. Mission Control has provided that tool for helping me to get it done. The stress is gone and now I really feel in control for the first time.”


“You class was wonderful! I’m much more focused. Regarding the organization, I see how this will impact our effectiveness. The practices and new work habits will well be worth the effort.”


“I LOVE the Mission Control Productivity Workshop offered through Integritas Consulting. In my professional opinion, this course is a MUST for anyone that is looking to get a handle on the volume of things there are to manage, handle, and otherwise balance in this day and age. Do yourself a favor and put this scheduling and training at the top of your priority list.”


“The exercises during the course are tremendous in creating space in life — and remarkable for how quickly that occurred. The tools I got out of the course are giving me ongoing access to produce expanded results in my business and my development of my capacities to deliver a 3 1/2 month educational course. Thank your for making the course available – it has proven to be 2 of the best days I’ve invested in my business (and life) this year.”


“You class was wonderful! I’m much more focused. Regarding the organization, I see that I will take some time, but I know I will be worth the effort.”


“The freedom to say no, and the peace of mind of knowing that I don’t have to keep track of everything that comes my way. If I capture it, then I keep track of it. Otherwise, I release it from my brain and never worry about it again. EXTREMELY freeing! Plus, I can see more clearly the habits that I have and can correct myself faster. That’s been very powerful too!”


“I did want to mention the training we received was and is valuable. We still leverage the best practices.”


Before Mission Control I scheduled my appointments and the rest of the time was left for “work” (in theory). Now I create occasions with activities and outcomes. The difference in my productivity is incredible. If I need to move an occasion, I do- I say how it goes, but it gets moved- it doesn’t disappear. The income generating activities actually occur (I do them!).

I was sharing with Joe how much more free time I have, and how much more is getting accomplished all at the same time, and he asked me to send an email. It’s crazy how much better life is! I have time to spend with my dad and babysit my niece and go to yoga and I am getting more sleep AND more work is getting done!!! This system works.

My sister told me my dad commented to her how great it is to be around me now. (I am present and able to be with them and don’t have a million things on my mind all the time. I didn’t tell them that’s the difference).

I don’t have lists all over the place and notes and piles and all the things Realtors have that has us scattered. There is peace in having the entire day scheduled every day- it seemed the opposite before Mission Control. I wanted to have more time. I actually have found a ton more time this way. A TON!

Tracie Milton, The Group Real Estate

“It was an awesome experience working with you. I have gained so much insight about myself over the past 2 days and have come to the realization that I am responsible for myself, my happiness, my accomplishments, etc.……and that I am not responsible for anyone else. I have realized that just because there are so many disgruntled people here, doesn’t mean I have to join in as well. Misery does love company ya know. It is difficult some days coming to work, just to see everyone else with their frowns and sour attitudes, but as of today that didn’t bother me, because I know I have control over that. I can’t thank you enough for this eye opening opportunity I was blessed to be able to participate in. Keep on doing what you do!!!”

Heather Stephens, USFS - Job Corps CCC

I have worked with Barry for many years. He continues to challenge my thinking when I have problems that I need advice and support on. He will make sure that I don’t avoid dealing with the issues and making the hard decisions.  He brings an outside perspective to the challenges I face and will question the approaches I am using. He reminds me of the importance of communicating effectively with the people in my organization. He also does not allow me to get bogged down in the “here and now”, but asks what the vision and direction is. He makes me explain this to him so I can then explain it to my team. He has always been very supportive and a great friend.

Barry Gleichenhaus – Former Accenture Partner (BPM) now CEO of Cedur Inc.

Press Release


Congratulations Ontos Edge Consulting, Inc.Sunland Park, NM  January 23, 2024 — Ontos Edge Consulting has been awarded a year-long contract for Executive Coaching Services to the City of Sunland Park, NM.  Ontos Edge executive coaches will provide leadership training and development for city directors to increase their effectiveness and productivity as employees. Ontos Edge's executive coaches are experts in providing top-notch, unique leadership training and development for city directors. With our proven strategies, employees can maximize their effectiveness and productivity while enhancing their quality of life.


Partial List of Global Clients

Meet a partial list of global clients who have been served by our consultants and coaching staff

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Metro Group, Inc.

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