Enabling our clients, to see with new eyes, think in new ways, and execute their vision of the future effectively, that in the normal course of events, was not going to happen. We are in the business of partnering with you to produce desirable business outcomes.
We employ a unique, different, and proprietary technology for transforming organizations so that your people experience a new freedom to be and a new freedom to act as their natural self-expression.
Our Bold Stand
Our methodology of Organizational Transformation is awesomely effective.
We partner with you in successfully delivering individual, group, team and company goals and objectives.
We are experts in what it takes to create leaders and produce breakthroughs.
We offer companies methods and practices to transform their enterprises. We provide the thinking and tools to produce outcomes and results they want and wish to sustain over time. Not only do we deliver great, valuable tips and techniques, we create the environment for each person to discover for themselves, what it will take to transform their relationships and see work challenges with new eyes.
People find themselves happier and less overwhelmed at work. They experience being more productive and efficient. They are self-generating, trusting and collaborative. They work to produce results beyond what was expected. Our design sessions establish collaboration and teamwork with clarity of vision and purpose. Effective and efficient project design and plans are effectively implemented. All this results in bottom-line profit to the company.
We train you in accessing the source of authentic leadership, effective action and offer templates for mastering organizational design. We provide the keys to empowering teamwork and leveraging diversity while providing communication tools to be able to transfer what is seen as possible into inspiring action.
Transcendent engagements allows us to distinguish ourselves in the consulting market as we look at our clients problems as symptoms of the fundamental cause and go to work on resolving the systemic issues rather than merely putting band-aids on their existing problems. Systemic failures and lack of authentic leadership are at the core of on-going and repeating business problems.
Dealing with merely solving the current problems often creates the next set of problems to be dealt with. This keeps our competitors busy making money from clients by perpetuating their problems. We feel this approach lacks integrity, which we hold as a high value. We are committed to not only resolving the systemic issues but leaving our clients empowered to self-generate on-going sustainable solutions to their business challenges.
We analyze and diagnose the problems in the context of systemic cause and provide our services in customized engagements which not only solve the immediate problems but bring health to the system, thus eliminating repeating problems.
We agree with John Foster Dulles, when he said: “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.”
We equip our clients with the tools to become aware of the mindsets and thinking that limit creativity, innovation, and effective action. They then begin to invent new thinking and new approaches to their work that are appropriate to their commitments, goals and objectives. Returning to the workplace, these new practices consist of altered frameworks for communication, and a new view of what is possible in terms of work relationships and producing the actions necessary for new results.
Our work comes from the understanding that people at work are whole and complete yet have barriers to experiencing it. Once they uncover those barriers there is a natural tendency to improve, grow and develop.
Our business competencies include over 40 years of experience working with businesses from strategic design, sales, and management skills for small and mid-size companies to large change efforts. Our transformational powerhouse of intellectual property and methodologies allows companies to develop a strategic edge against the competition. We are after results not just good environments!
Our methodology scares the heck out of disagreement, resignation, and dysfunctional/ adversarial relationships….what shows up is power, workability, efficiency, productivity and effectiveness.
What We Do
Ontos Edge Consulting works with small businesses, non-profits, government agencies, and medium and large organizations. Our work is unique and different from almost all consulting/training programs in the marketplace.
Our unique methodologies and approaches to organizational development, in partnership with clients, transform organizations into environments that produce extraordinary results independent of the current economic environment. We created leaders, not just describe traits or characteristics. Leaders that perform at high levels of effectiveness as a natural self-expression.
When clients learn and practice our methodologies, they see with new eyes…they produce business outcomes beyond the norm. They show up accountable, reliable, happier, more related to each other, able to see into challenging situations with imagination, creativity and with focus and energy. They are more productive, efficient, trusting, and self-generating.
The barriers they once had to being effective leaders melt away. They act with intention and focus…out to fulfill the company’s future.
Our customized engagements are designed to not only solve the immediate problems but to bring health and balance to the system where clients are empowered and able to translate what they learn into ongoing contribution and competitive advantage.
What Makes Us Unique and Different
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ― Marcel Proust
There are many things you know to do to have the results you want. However, even knowing what to do, does not guarantee you or others will do it.
Understanding information as information does not guarantee effective action. Most “how to” books leave you with little, if any, access to extraordinary action. For example, there are many, many books on what makes a great leader or how to be a great leader. This tells me that no one knows anything about Leadership. There ought to be a couple of books that define what is missing, what needs to be provided or changed and then the execution. Not the case… There are great and colorful descriptions of what is being addressed, but that does not give you access to acting as an effective leader.
What will make the difference to giving you access?
Finding out for yourself. That is to discover, discovering. We are experts in our ability to communicate our work in a way that you can discover it for yourself.
Applying this to organizational concerns you see a similar parallel. Over 0% of corporate change efforts fail or never get off the ground.** Why?
We have developed methods of working and partnering with clients that focus on their discovering for themselves, what they need to know and how they need to know, that matters. This results in new thinking, new acting, and new outcomes.
Come discover our work for yourself. Even as a successful company, bring us a concern, commitment or objective that is not working for you, or has never been resolved. We will discuss how our methods produce immediate results now.
We deliver transformative learning programs:
Drawing on the ideas in, and using certain words and phrases from, “Learning As Transformation” by Jack Mezirow and Associates (2000, chs. 1-3):
Informative learning and transformative learning are both valuable and appropriate. However, transformative learning occurs in a different dimension than informative learning.
Informative learning endeavors to increase the sum of what we know, to add to our available skills, to extend our already established cognitive capacities. Informative learning seeks to bring valuable new content to add to or fill in what our prevailing worldview and our pre-existing frames of reference already allow. In summary, informative learning adds ideas and capacities that are compatible with our prevailing worldview and our pre-existing frames of reference.
Transformative learning on the other hand provides us with the opportunity to become aware of the interpretations and beliefs we hold as “the way it is”. That is, to critically reflect on the underlying network of ideas, beliefs, biases, social and cultural embedded-ness, and taken-for-granted assumptions that constitute our worldview (model of reality) about the world, others, and ourselves, and our frame of reference (mindset) relative to this subject or that subject.
We rarely ever even consider the fact that we have a worldview and frames of reference. This leaves us ignorant of the impact of the constraining and shaping imposed by our worldview and frames of reference on our perceptions and consequently on our actions. We never know what we don’t see at all, and with what we do see, what of it is actually distorted.Rather than simply adding to what is currently allowed (compatible with) our prevailing worldview and pre-existing frames of reference, we explore our worldview and frames of reference themselves – their genealogy, internal logic, and uses – as well as assess the costs and benefits, and advantages and disadvantages, associated with our particular worldview and frames of reference.Transformative learning does not merely add to or correct your store of information. Using transformative learning offers the opportunity to discover and eliminate the constraints and shaping imposed by your worldview and your frames of reference relative to who you are for yourself, and relative to your effectiveness in groups, teams or organizational concerns.*
The flame of conception seems to flare and go out, leaving a man shaken, and at once happy and afraid. Charles Darwin said his Origin Of the Species flashed complete in one second, and he spent the rest of his life backing it up: and the theory of relativity occurred to Einstein in the time it takes to clap your hands. This is the greatest mystery of the human mind – the inductive leap. Everything falls into place, irrelevancies relate, dissonances become harmony and nonsense wears a crown of meaning. But the clarifying leaps springs from the rich soil of the confusion and the leaper is not unfamiliar with pain.” — John Steinbeck, Sweet Thursday
* Taken from a program description of the “Being A Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership Program” offered by the Erhard-Jensen Initiative
Working with Government Agencies
Ontos Edge Consulting Inc. has extensive experience working with different government agencies. We have offered Alignment by Design, Mission Control Productivity Workshop, Executive Coaching, and Integrity Matters! : The Ground on Which Workability Stands and our Being a Leader program, plus other customized designed programs for various government agencies. Our work is unique: Why?
We offer transformative learning programs and consulting as distinct from Informative learning that almost all training and consulting companies focus on. Informative learning and transformative learning are both valuable and appropriate. However, transformative learning occurs in a different dimension than informative learning. Informative learning endeavors to increase the sum of what we know, to add to our available skills, to extend our already established cognitive capacities Transformative learning on the other hand provides us with the opportunity to become aware of the interpretations and beliefs we hold as “the way it is”. That is, to critically reflect on the underlying network of ideas, beliefs, biases, social and cultural embedded-ness, and taken-for-granted assumptions that constitute our worldview (model of reality) about the world, others, and ourselves, and our frame of reference (mindset) relative to this subject or that subject. Transformative learning does not merely add to or correct your store of information. Using transformative learning offers the opportunity to discover and eliminate the constraints and shaping imposed by your worldview and your frames of reference relative to who you are for yourself, and relative to your effectiveness in groups, teams or organizational concerns.
Breakthroughs are possible using this approach. It is unique and difference-making. Such agencies as the FAA, Department of Education, HHS, USDA – Forest Service, NASA , Washington State School Administrators, and New Mexico District Attorneys have experienced the difference this approach offers. We welcome an opportunity to discuss this with your agency.
Keynote Speaking
He has delivered keynote presentations to various organizations. He is inspired by the work on integrity and leadership by Michael C. Jensen, Jessie Isidor Straus Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School Chairman, Managing Director and Integrity Czar, Social Science Research Network. A colleague who is currently co-writing a book on A New Model of Integrity.
He has delivered Integrity Matters! : The Ground on Which Workability Stands at conferences offered throughout the United States.
A partial list:
North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders
New Mexico District Attorneys
United States Forest Service and the United States Department of Agriculture
Arizona State Superintendent of Schools
Washington Association of School Administrators
University of Denver, RHIL, Environmental Health Professionals conference in Aspen, Colorado 2007
San Joaquin Human Resources Assoc, Labor Law Conference, Stockton, California
San Antonio Human Resources Association (SAHRA) (SRHM)
Space Coast HRM
Robert G. Hemingway Foundation
Truman University, Missouri
Federal Aviation Administration
IHS, Denver, Colorado
Portland, ME’s Rotary, and Denver Rotary
E &J Gallo Winery
Rocky Mountain Recycling
Metro Group, Inc.
National Renewable Energy Labs
And in other client engagements, non-profits, and entrepreneurial organizations.
Benefits of Working with a Performance Coach
Below are the benefits that clients have reported they have received working with an an Ontos Edge coach:
are not weak if you use a coach, it really demonstrates a commitment to learn, grow and exceed your current strengths
see your blind spots
deal with issues that have been a concern for you for sometime such that they get resolved or no longer need the attention they once did.
have someone be a committed listener to your goals, projects and objectives. And, interact with you straight, with ruthless compassion.
someone that holds you to account for your promises.
are able to discuss issues, goals, and projects in total confidence and trust with another who is outside the system you presently operate in.
have someone who can see into the situation with a fresh, objective view.
have conversations with your coach that leaves you freed up, open, refreshed, validated and challenged with a renewed sense of possibility and new opportunities to explore.
learn how you are viewed by others in your organization such that you develop a training and development plan to give you a new place to stand with credibility in the organization.
experience being listened too.
design a plan and be in action with your coach to accomplish your goals and objectives powerfully and with velocity.
discover ways of effectively communicating that leave you and others able to see and act on new possibilities.
learn new techniques and ways of dealing with difficult colleagues, partners, employees so all win in the situation.
learn new principles for coaching others to design and produce results that go beyond expectation.
learn distinct modes of coaching and the appropriate application of each mode.
improve relationships and communication with those you manage.
are able to see into the culture of your team or department and organization and identify high leverage opportunities for effective change
expand creativity and participation from project players
learn through Executive Impact Interviews how you are seen and listened to by your management, peers and reports. (*Much more personal than 360 degree feedback)
design the practices to influence a change based on the results of these interviews.
learn to create a balanced lifestyle and still get the job done.
you may have fun and enjoy what you see
Recommended forms for coaching relationship:
Face to face meetings
Telephone coaching sessions
Observing your running meetings /teleconferences and coach you in being impactful and effective
Participate in workshop settings to transfer these benefits to others.