Ontos Edge Consulting, Inc. Offerings

Achieving Desired Outcomes Through Transformed Leaders

Are you willing to give up what you have become for what you could be?

Tell us more

Culture Creation – Establishing/Interrupting

Establishing an Extraordinary Company Culture

Culture Creation through organizational transformation, is a new paradigm for organizations enables you and your people to reach their full potential. By adopting this new model, even the most innovative and creative organizations come to realize results that did not seem possible.

Generally consultants do not know what transformation is.  Most think it is changing something into a more, better, different, entity. That may happen, but that is not the essence of  what transformation actually is. Transformation is accepting, allowing, seeing something as it really is not filtered by our assumptions, beliefs and taken for granted obviousness. When you can see something as  it is, not trying to have it more, better, or different, you give up resisting.  By the resisting dropping away, new possibilities show up.

When you see it as it is, it no longer fills your field of vision. It becomes background to what you are committed to. At that point you can see situations and solutions that you could not see before.   New possibilities for acting and a freedom to act occurs.  Breakthroughs are possible.

In organizations, establishing sustainability of one's best efforts to transform one’s organizations and create healthy collaborative cultures is obstructed by the undercurrents of the prevailing paradigm. The old paradigm imprisons people for the purpose of survival of existing points of view and structures and prevents conscious creative collaboration of efforts toward a sustainable future. Often extraordinary outcomes and successes triggers the old paradigm’s demand for control, reliability, predictability and certainty force the emerging new ways of working back into the familiar comfort zone.

Learn more about:

Purpose of Organizational Transformation
Principles of Organizational Transformation
Distinguishing Characteristics of Organizational Transformation

The Architecture, The Approaches, The Roadmap for Success

We partner with you to introduce new ways of communicating and relating, to maximize opportunities and establish a design for increased growth making extraordinary results the norm and providing a distinct competitive business advantage.

By transforming relationships with new organizational ideas and practices, the current conflicts (which are a result of the old model) keeping the organizational resources locked into an either/or battle for power are replaced by collaborative teamwork producing increased effectiveness with less stress and frustration.

Implementation of the New Model for Organizational Transformation results in:

  • Your words match your actions is the foundation for workability and trust, and building relationships of accountability

  • Elimination of silos and internal conflicts

  • Effective pathways for fulfilling commitments, goals and objectives and addressing concerns with velocity

  • New visionary realities, disciplines and practices throughout the organization where everyone is clear on their own and each other’s contribution to the success of the organization

  • Expanded capacity for people to manage multiple conversations, projects and commitments to completion

  • Expanded capacity for being fully focused and energized at work

  • Meeting or exceeding deadlines with ease and effectiveness rather than frustration and overwhelm

  • Clients experience the sales force as trusted advisors and reliable, collaborative business partners

  • Accelerated growth, effortless alignment and expanded participation with initiatives and projects

  • An environment of trust, effective communication and appreciation for differences as the key to contribution rather than conflict

  • New possibilities becoming the new realities on an ongoing basis

  • Dramatic increases in employee retention, satisfaction and well being

  • Reduction in lost time accidents and illnesses and increased employee wellness

  • Leadership is learned and developed at all levels through  accountability, responsibility and collaboration

  • Teams are organized and function around shared purpose while expanding possibilities, producing reliable results and laying a solid foundation for organizational accomplishment

  • Honor and dignity expressed in all relationships as trust and collaboration become the new norm

  • Employees experience the joy of coming to work and having their days be victories and  triumphs

Alignment By Design

For groups and teams we offer Alignment By Design work sessions. These sessions enable a team to co-create a new future while respecting the past but not dictated by it.  As this happens, the team implements action plans guided by the new future. The result is a certain grace, ease and velocity moving into that created future.

These sessions leave participants with new communication and project tools resulting in enhanced collaboration.   New levels of trust and workability are established.


  • Identify and remove past based obstacles and constraints to performance.

  • People experience being appreciated for the contribution to the organization.

  • We use our proprietary methodology to shift concerns for past mistakes and disagreements into a powerful and focused interest in a created future.

  • Formulate stakeholders as a powerful committed team with clarity of purpose, direction and intention.

  • Design structures and practices to support and maintain a collaborative and creative relationship between team/group members.

  • Establish alignment on specific and measurable results.

  • Design support structures to sustain implementation of what gets created in the sessions.

  • Introduce A new model of “integrity” and workability as a place to work and act from.

  • Ability to quickly resolve conflict and move forward with velocity.

  • Transfer our technology of working from  alignment so debates and disagreements in meetings are dramatically reduced.

Being A Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership

“Be not the slave of your own past – plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power…”  - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Current State of Leadership Development: Organizations around the world are failing on one key metric of success: leadership development. According to research from the Corporate Executive Board (CEB), 66% of companies invest in programs that aim to identify high-potential employees and help them advance, but only 24% of senior executives at those firms consider the programs to be a success. A mere 13% have confidence in the rising leaders at their firms, down from an already-low 17% just three years ago. And at the world’s largest corporations—which each employ thousands of executives—a full 30% of new CEOs are hired from the outside.

Turning Potential to Success – Harvard Business Review Nov-Dec 2017  (pg. 87)

Our Course is a Solution that Works! - We create leaders!

Required Text:

There are assigned readings for this course.

Design: Custom designed to fit your schedule. Follow up sessions by individual and group conference calls.

Intended Course Outcome

This course is about “Being” a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership and a lot, lot more…

You will leave this course with a new worldview that gives you access to being an effective leader and with what it takes to exercise leadership effectively.

Note: While you will not necessarily have all of the experience and specific knowledge you need to be a truly extraordinary leader, you will have experienced whatever personal transformation is required for you to be a leader, and in any environment and no matter what the conditions.

Course Philosophy

This is a very different kind of course:

You are expected to bring all that you have gleaned from leadership courses, experiences, and seminars throughout your career. As such, I will be relating to you as the leaders that you are and will expect you to relate to each other as leaders as well. In other words, every interaction that we have with each other will be from one leader to another. The context you leave this course with will reinterpret and leave you with a more powerful expression of what you learned about leadership and the effective exercise of leadership. This includes working together and constituting yourself as the “organization” not just as an individual. You will find yourself leading from the concerns of the whole organization as distinct from what you want. You will be able to see into a situation and act appropriate to what is needed both from a personal view as well as an organizational view.

The vast majority of leadership research and education seeks to describe what leaders do or to identify what characteristics leaders possess. Subsequently, models are developed to capture the categories or classes of what leaders do to be effective and the observable traits and characteristics. While, this has contributed to the science of leadership, some researchers are beginning to see the limitations of merely describing leadership. For example, although the transformational leadership theory gives access to describing constructs such as inspirational motivation, simply understanding this construct does not make a person an inspirational motivator. And if it does and that’s the limit of their spectrum of expression they would be in trouble in leadership situations when some other way of being is required to be an effective leader. Understanding authenticity does not provide access to being authentic. Therefore, an approach that provides access to authenticity rather than a mere understanding is needed in order to truly advance the science of leadership and leadership development. This course is about providing access to those constructs that have thus far been merely described.

This course is a laboratory for your leadership development. This course is not about knowing and being able to speak knowledgably about the characteristics of successful leaders, or the stories about what various successful leaders have done, that is, the formulas for leadership. There is no pap in this course. There are no tips, no how-to’s, no formulas, and a mere understanding of the material in the course won’t get you there.  In this course you will be on the court developing yourself as a leader, and mastering what it takes to be effective in the exercise of leadership. You will not be in the stands observing and commenting on leader and leadership.

In most courses in an academic institution, you are expected to leave the course knowing and demonstrating that you know the content of the course, and that you are able to speak knowledgably about the subject of the course. This course goes beyond that. This course is designed to leave you being a leader, with the effective exercise of leadership as your natural expression.

In order to walk out of the course being a leader, you must master what is dealt in the sessions of this course. While this will be intellectually challenging and will require intellectual effort on your part, the course is about being a leader, and that is not a mere intellectual exercise.

To fulfill on this intention, this course engages in transformative learning. Rather than adding to your ‘bucket’ of knowledge (informative learning), we will be examining the ‘bucket’ itself. As Mezirow & Associates say in Learning as Transformation, “…maturity in childhood is understood as a formative process that includes assimilation of beliefs concerning oneself and the world, including socialization and learning adult roles. Adulthood is perceived as a transformative process—‘involving alienation from those roles, reframing new perspectives, and reengaging life with a greater degree of self-determination’” (pg xii).

As managers, you have one foot in informative and one foot in transformative. This course employs the transformative process. We will highlight those assimilated beliefs, reframe new perspectives, and launch you into a new world of “being” a leader.

How will this course be conducted?

What you say is not inconsequential. If I am the only one speaking, this course will be approximately three hours. This course is not about me speaking. Rather, this course will be a conversation, a dialogue, that is, an inquiry into the nature of leadership and who you need to be to be a leader and exercise leadership effectively. This is a very personal matter. Course assignments will be designed to enhance your investigation into the nature of being a leader and the exercise of leadership and your relation to being a leader and the exercise of leadership. This means that course assignments will be both reading preparation as well as experimentation and you are requested to participate fully in both Like all effective courses, this course is not about me, your instructor, imparting knowledge onto you for purposes of retention. Your preparation will have a direct effect on the success and the depth we are able to achieve in the course.

If you walk out of this course with some good, tips and techniques and no new access to being a leader, you will have cheated yourself. This is an opportunity to walk out of here being a leader.

Why the nature of leadership? Rost indicates in his seminal leadership book, Leadership for the Twenty-First Century,

“Most of the research on leadership has emphasized the same two items – the peripheral aspects and the content of leadership – and almost none has been aimed at understanding the essential nature of what leadership is…if scholars and practitioners have not focused on the nature of leadership, it should not surprise any of us who are interested in the subject that we do not know what leadership is…it is absolutely crucial that scholars and practitioners interested in leadership studies de-emphasize the peripheral elements and the content of leadership, and concentrate on understanding its essential nature.” Pg 5

Rost has pointed to the failure of effective leadership training that has resulted from the almost singular focus leadership scholars have put on the ‘periphery’ (traits, styles, personality characteristics, behaviors) and the ‘content’ of leadership (technical information, environment, future trends, relevant theories). The lack of an effective examination into the nature of leadership itself is what has left Rost concluding, “The scholars do not know what it is they are studying, and the practitioners do not know what it is they are doing.” (p. 8)

In this course we want an answer to the question “what is leadership” that leaves us with our arms around the being of a leader and the effective exercise of leadership, and our hands on the levers and dials of the controls of each.  In a word, we want access to the being of a leader and the effective exercise of leadership. Rather than being better able to explain and understand what happens, we want access to making it happen. This requires a different kind of inquiry.

This course is not about being given answers. It IS about you being empowered to think for yourself with the expanded opportunity set of ways of being, thinking, planning, and action that give you access to being a leader and the effective exercise of leadership. As such, it is vitally important that you come prepared to class having done whatever preparatory work is requested of you so that you can engage in classroom dialogue. This course will not be easy, and, in order to fulfill on the promise of the course, your participation is required. The course gets done through your participation. We will be asking different kinds of questions in this course and seeking different kinds of answers to those questions. We will continuously ask the question what does this insight open up or make available for you in regard to your being a leader and the effective exercise of leadership?


Mezirow, Jack & Associates (2000). Learning As Transformation: Critical Perspectives on a Theory in Progress. San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass. Chapters 1-3.

Rost, Joseph C. (1993). Leadership for the Twenty-First Century. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Summary of Course Agreements:

We will be fully discussing the Course Agreements—this is a summary of those agreements:

  • Be willing to discover and confront your inauthenticities, that is, where you are not being genuine, real, or authentic – where in your life you are not being or acting consistent with who you hold yourself to be for yourself, and who you hold yourself out to be for others. And, be willing to tell the truth about where you are not being genuine, real, or authentic. Stated more rigorously, be willing to be authentic about your inauthenticities.

  • Be willing to be open and ruthlessly straight about your ways of being and acting.

  • Be open to having your worldview (model of reality) & frame of reference (mindset) regarding what it is to be a leader and the effective exercise of leadership examined and questioned, and be open to transforming those views.

  • Be willing to take on fully what is presented in this course before deciding to accept it or reject it.

  • To respect the dignity, thoughts and confidentiality of your colleagues.

  • Participate fully and completely in the course, with nothing held back.

  • Be a full partner in producing value for yourself.

You will have an opportunity to choose to be in this course, or not. I am going to ask you to commit, to give your word to these agreements. In class we will more fully discuss what it is to give your word.


While there is no “required work” for the class, not doing the assignments costs you the right to expect the result.

The assignments in this course are designed to get you on the court developing yourself as a leader, and mastering what it takes to be effective in the exercise of leadership. This course is a laboratory for your leadership development. If you are not being a leader and exercising leadership during this course, all that we will be speaking will be purely hypothetical and will not be grounded in any real experience. The assignments are designed to bring life to, and to assist you, in grappling with the distinctions presented in the course. A summary of all assignments are provided below, specific guidelines will be posted on our website.

Program Participation:

You will be expected to handle yourselves orally. Each session you should be prepared to answer the question, “how have I contributed as a leader toward our intentions today?”

Leadership Talks: Part of your participation points will be leadership talks. There will be several short leadership talk opportunities for each class member throughout the course.

“This material is from the ‘Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological / Phenomenological Model’ course, authored by Werner Erhard, Michael C. Jensen, and Steve Zaffron and © 2008 – 2018. W. Erhard, M. Jensen, Landmark Worldwide LLC.

As the leader of your team, you’ve been told you can’t hire new people to fill lost or retired positions. You’ve brought in temporary help on detail for four months, you can’t move powerfully ahead as budgets are tight, and your people are taking on two or three jobs working nights and weekends. You are all stressed and overwhelmed. And, you know you can’t maintain this pace.

Now what!

Winning the game on the field you’ve got workshop is a one-day session that is the foundation to re-contextualize your prevailing issues and challenges so they are transformed from existing as fear/anxiety to workability and power. You establish ways to alter how you approach these situations rather than only dealing with them from immoveable circumstances.

Taking the situation from panic, fear and resignation to one of possibility, action and results is miraculous. The current circumstantial view hides what is possible. By viewing the challenges with new eyes, the current circumstances are transformed and seen in new light. They become “part of the solution”, that is to say, as access to breakthroughs, that frees people to let go of their negative interpretations, be creative, energized in designing effective solutions. In one day, we establish a new view or context, that allows you and the team to see into the situation and come up with answers you never would have thought of before.

This would be a stake in the ground for new possibilities!

Integrity Matters! : Something Nobody Knows - The Cost of a Lack of Integrity.

A New Model that distinguishes a life working from Morality, Legality and Ethics to something that allows for high performance and workability.

This is a radical new way for organizations and employees to realistically embrace Integrity such that “Workability” is maximizable…and therefore, so is productivity.

Imagine what would it look like to have employees make things work rather than coming up with excuses, justifications, explanations and stories?

Imagine what would it look like to produce results that right now do not seem possible? What would it look like to reliably produce the goals, objectives and measures you promised?

Imagine what would it be like for the organization if employees were straight with their communications when they know they will not keep their promises?

Participating in this course, we are introducing the establishment of radical, new, realistic, implementable, Integrity that’s honest and that increases workability and thus productivity.

Out of this course, your people will see work and their personal lives differently.

What is Integrity?

Think of integrity not as a moral or ethical issue, but the centerpiece of workability.

What would life look like if people in your organization consistently operated this way?


Individuals in your organization doing what they said they would do, and on time.

And further imagine, that they would let you know, as soon as they knew, that they were not going to do what they said they would do, cleaning up any messes and making things work.

Imagine new the levels of productivity that that would create.

Integrity Matters!  is the centerpiece of workability. We custom designed the program to fit your organizational goals and objectives.

Discussions include:

  • New communication skills: how we really listen (automatic listening) and how to dramatically improve communication.

  • Being crystal clear about the difference between Integrity and Morality/Ethics?

  • Veils of Invisibility (why are we so blind to the effects of the lack of integrity)?

  • The impact of a lack of integrity in one’s organization and personal life. What does the absence of Integrity cost you?

  • How to deal with integrity collisions.

  • Implementing these learnings into daily life.

  • The language of committed speaking and listening (What are promises?

The language that gets things done

People will learn practices:

  • The power of giving one’s word.

  • The power of making promises and fulfilling on them.

  • That they have a choice to operate with Integrity. (almost all people do not see their lack of integrity and the cost that it is).

  • How to be a whole and complete person and the benefits thereof.

  • Integrity is key to workability and increased performance.

  • Restoring integrity when you are out of integrity.

  • Realistic Integrity dramatically increases performance without changing circumstances.

  • Increasing accountability and ownership.

  • Integrity is the essential ingredient to producing breakthrough results.

©2007 – 2021 Elements Drawn from Integrity: A Positive Model That Incorporates The Normative Phenomena of Morality, Ethics and Legality. By Werner H. Erhard, Michael C. Jensen, Steve Zaffron, Proprietary and Confidential All Rights Reserved.

Starting a small business or growing a small business takes certain behaviors for the long term. We work with the management and employees to create an environment that allows for continuous growth, development and intended outcomes. All based on commitment, integrity (as in honoring one’s world) and leadership. In partnership with you create leaders!

Building Working Relationships

There are hundreds of consulting companies promising to deliver what we promise, and, there are hundreds of consultants/trainers who say they deliver as well. Unfortunately, over 70% of these engagements fail in the implementation of what they are offering (Mckinsey, 2013).

Plus, have you ever wondered why there are so many books on how to have successful productive relationships at work and at home? Well, that will tell you most of us know very little about being related, how to work effectively together, or communicate well. There should be one or two books that give you what you need to go out and thrive. Not the case. Maybe there is another approach that works.

Training does not always make the difference. People need an environment to discover for themselves what is needed to relate effectively. Transferring valuable information does not equal people owning what is transferred (in other words making it their own). Trainers also fail to see that they are not talking into a vacuum, but a complex system of experiences that determine the way information is processed, understood and then is a basis for acting.

We propose a unique approach to empowering relationships within organizations. Whereas most consulting firms might suggest adding, or attempting to add, new “tools” for clients to use to improve performance, the work that we propose will reduce rather than increase the weight of their “toolboxes”. They already have more to do than they have time for, and adding more tools will hinder productivity. We assert that fulfilling accountabilities  are a function of human relationships, and that when relationships are transformed; workability and satisfaction are a natural consequence.

We offer a two-day workshop for your associates that are designed to produce a transformation in relationships within your organization, a transformation that results in a new level of ease and workability in people working together in relationships.

How does that happen?

We propose to guide your colleagues to discover for themselves, through well-designed and tested questions and propositions, the access to powerful and productive relationships. Old, heretofore unseen, and detrimental beliefs and ways of thining and behaving will be revealed so that they can be discarded. New freedom of expression and action, and the experience of satisfaction and fulfillment in their accountabilities, will emerge.

Keeping this in mind, we have over 60 years of experience of delivering transformational programs that fit your organization's wants, needs, and concerns. We have worked with thousands of people seeing into how they really live and addressing the blocks to expressing what concerns them. You will see a difference made in two days like no other.

We explore through a Socratic inquiry:

What is the default or automatic design of working relationships we inherited before we showed up at this company, organization, and culture?

What is the impact this default design has on our work output, productivity, and work together?

What if it is true that the default design is not changeable? Then what

What is possible to build new ways of being and acting that really forward what matters most to you and others?

What practices will need to be institutionalized to see that these new working relationships thrive and grow?

What will it look lik

Mission Control Productivity Workshop™

Mission Control Productivity Workshop is the breakthrough you have been looking for. The Workshop is a two-day course that revolutionizes personal productivity and getting things done. Instead of improved time management techniques, Mission Control® teaches you an entirely new way of thinking about, organizing, and doing your work.

The Mission Control Productivity Workshop is a two-day course that serves as the base for all other programs. In just two days, obsolete, non-productive work habits and old ineffective approaches to doing things will be replaced by new work habits that empower you. The result? An approach that reduces your worries, restores balance to your life and leaves you working on producing the results that are most important to you. You will have the power to focus completely on what is in front of you. You will have peace of mind that comes from knowing you are handling everything there is to do and handle without dropping anything out.

This program delivers on equipping you with a renewed sense of Focus and Energy in our overwhelming, stressful world of information.


Mission Control®is not leadership training. It is not project management. It is not Time Management. Mission Control® does not concern itself with tasks or ToDo lists. It does concern itself with being complete about each thing there is to do in its time to do it. It does not stop at efficiency and prioritization.It sets up what you are working on so that it is exactly what you should be completing. It doesn’t address the right and wrong of your work patterns. It proposes new patterns that alter the way you view and commit to actions that will make a difference in that future. It doesn’t ask you to sort among competing priorities.  It does propose new ways of thinking about “what there is to do and handle in life”™ from a new perspective,a perspective that leaves people with the freedom to give 100% of themselves to each thing they do in a way that produces breakthrough results and extraordinary outcomes beyond those traditionally expected.  Marketing surveys of business people consistently find that most people report a sense of being burdened by having too much to do, plus the sense that what they do doesn’t necessarily matter.  People are resigned to and burdened by a reality that there is too much to do, and by the number of incomplete projects that accompany that reality. We have become inured to that reality and produce the results we produce inside of and despite that condition.

These are not mere marketing slogans.  Mission Control® actually delivers what it promises: Power, Freedom, and Peace of Mind in the face of everything there is for you to do and handle at work and in life. It is what the participants have actually reported from the two-day courses we have already delivered – most especially participants with a great deal on their plates, people who are charged with accomplishing huge goals and are hungry for any leverage they can get. It is real. It is actual. It works.  

The use and application of the Mission Control® technology produces breakthroughs in the domain Mission Control® has named “productivity”. Mission Control® uses the word“productivity” to point to a new way of framing and dealing with everything there is for people to do and handle in the routine of their daily lives and their work.  The technology Mission Control® has created brings a newcontext to dealing with the masses of things people find they have todo, the relentless stream of things coming at them, that argue for urgent action or compete for immediate attention. The paradigm Mission Control® calls productivity is not what it has been popularly thought be in the past. The Time Management programs developed for the work conditions of the 70’s and 80’s are inadequate for the demands and rigors of the 21st century.  What Mission Control® names as productivity now proposes an entirely new approach to handling what we phrase as “everything there is to do and handle in life”™.  

The Mission Control® technology provides ways for people to manage themselves, their actions, their commitments, and the conversations they have with others, using new personal and interactive practices.  These practices give people the Power and Freedom to engage with each thing there is to do and handle, in a way that leaves the people complete and peaceful while dealing with each thing they are doing. This Peace of Mind spreads to include the other things people have to do in their future, as well as the things they probably won’t get done, and the rest of “everything there is to do and handle in life”™that they’re not doing.

We promise that as a result of your full participation in
The Mission Control® Introductory Course:

You will have your arms around the totality of everything there is for you to do and handle in life.  
You will have the freedom to give 100% of yourself to each thing you do or handle.    
You will experience power, freedom, and peace of mind.

What are the Outcomes of the Mission Control Productivity Workshop?

Once you learn the fundamental principles and the detailed work practices, you will increasingly observe that you are building new work habits that leave you more powerful, focused, and productive, as follows:

  • How to schedule yourself and your commitments so that you are consistently and powerfully focused on what is most important.

  • How to have powerful conversations that produce coordinated and effective action amongst individuals and team members

  • How to powerfully manage your workload, and how to have what you are not doing not nag at you or impede your productivity.

  • How to manage emergencies and interruptions so that you are empowered and not upset or overwhelmed.

  • How to convert to-dos into achievements that draw you into action.

  • How to use your own organizer tools to catch thoughts, ideas, and information before you forget them—which will help you do your best thinking and accomplish your goals and objectives.

  • How to manage key projects to keep them moving forward, even in the presence of interruptions and emergencies.

  • How to create each week as an ongoing series of achievements, rather than being overwhelmed by the demands on your time and resources.

  • How to assess your own productivity and how to keep increasing your level of productivity over time.

  • How to have an honest and authentic relationship with time so that you are not operating from a fantasy but dealing with your tasks and commitments from reality.

  • How to administer and deal effectively with email and experience a virtual elimination of email stress, ongoingly.

  • How to have more meaningful and productive meetings.

  • Learn the impact that A New Model of Integrity has on your performance and how to use integrity to increase performance

Participants who consistently apply the tools of the Mission Control Productivity Workshop have reported unusually high results in the areas that are noted below, the result of which is an unexpectedly high return on this investment, and in a short period of time.

Participants have reported:

  • Able to better cause buy-in with their clients, management and other key personnel

  • Delivering project deadlines on time

  • Keeping promises to one another

  • Keeping promises to oneself

  • Letting others know when they cannot fulfill on what was promised

  • More time for selling

  • Answering more emails and more voicemails

  • Having an empty email inbox daily (using a  simple system to manage them)

  • Knowing where emails files and folders are located

  • Arrive at meetings on time and focused

  • Not doing as much multi-tasking as before and  being more focused with what is in front of them

  • Being more focused and energized at work

  • Putting out higher quality work and more complete work product

  • Less stressed and overwhelmed.

  • Increased level of trust developed between colleagues

  • Improved open and honest communication and listening

  • More efficient use of time management so nothing gets dropped out

  • Having a system so things do not nag at you or worry you

  • Realizing how much time it really takes to get  things done

  • Learning tools in Microsoft Outlook they had no idea existed

  • Prioritizing in a new and effective way

  • Recovering up to 4 hours average a day in lost time

  • People saying “I know what I am working on fits the priorities of my boss and the organization.”

  • Designing and attending more effective and efficient meetings

  • Learning to say no responsibly so you are not left with undelivered deliverables

  • Better work/life balance

Read what participants have said the Impact Mission Control has had on them here

Executive Impact Interviews

Executive Impact Interviews is a 360 process that enables a person to receive feedback from a number of organizational colleagues. It reveals how they are listened, and ultimately the future they have to grow, develop and expand into the organization. Usually this is developmental feedback relating to behaviors, skills and competencies in the context of leadership effectiveness. Typically, in this feedback scenario, an individual would receive feedback from their peers, direct reports, and managers. Feedback can include ratings against questions or statements and can also include comments and suggestions. The purpose of the feedback is usually to help an individual determine areas they need to develop. In confidence with an executive coach, what results is a plan and set of practices to impact these developmental areas.

How can these interviews benefit you?

Research has shown that the most important management practice in predicting profitability and productivity in an organization is people leadership. This includes making sure employees get the feedback they need to continually develop their behaviors, skills and competencies. What goes undistinguished runs us.

The Executive Impact Interviews is a highly effective way of providing accurate feedback because:

The individual receives personal feedback from a range of people at different levels. This is done on a one to one basis. Interviews are run by one of our trained consultants, who knows how to proactively listen for important/key communications from the interviewees. Besides identifying trends and patterns, our consultants are well trained, in reading between the lines and hear things in the unsaid and thus highly beneficial in informing the interviewee so that it impacts their development and effectiveness. (This design is more productive than a filling out a survey form, getting a report back via email and then being left in the dust, as are many 360-feedback programs).

Details of who provided feedback is usually kept confidential, which means that feedback providers can feel completely comfortable with giving honest information. Questions are customized by the interviewee and coach and the results are interpreted, and debriefed in a one on one session. Out of this meeting, a plan of action is created to impact future outcomes. After the debrief and establishment of plan and practices, we revisit these interviewees approximately four to six months later to get feedback on the changes and accomplishments that have happened.

The coaching provided by an Integritas Consulting Group consultant goes beyond normal coaching approaches. We have a methodology (using a new paradigm of performance) that can powerfully give access to individual behavioral change. This leaves all involved with a new level of power, freedom, effectiveness and results.

In summary:

Ones participation in this process is custom designed and further supports, in the eyes of the organization, ones commitment to growing, expanding and developing oneself. This is highly useful in showing management ones desire to succeed in the organization.

The possibility of the Executive Impact Interviews in the organization:

The interviews can also deal with “systemic issues.” The feedback can also serve both as a catalyst to help management realize the systematic causes of organizational problems, and can be part of the solution, so that management style becomes in harmony with other organizational changes senior management is trying to make. We are very confident we can design an approach to impact the culture of the organization as a whole.

The Executive Impact Interviews have had a major impact in those that have participated and have constructively used the information to forward their personal and business development.

Organizational Design Days

A compelling vision and alignment on an inspiring future is at the heart of all successful enterprises. Circumstances, opinions and interpretations often displace the purpose and intention of a created future.

The Design Days provide an assessment of what is currently present and shaping your organizational culture. We assist you in identifying  structural strengths and weaknesses in the foundation for what you are building. This informs what needs to be provided to shore up the foundation to be sufficient to sustain the weight and complexity of the growth and expansion that organizations are planning.

Many organizations have a sufficient foundation for the present but fail to take care of those elements that are not obvious yet critical for sustainable success. As the growth of the organization weakens and places stress on the foundational structures it usually goes unnoticed until the foundation collapses and emergency situations require repair. This is often too late for maintaining the momentum of the growth and success and the organization finds itself in the position of having to reorganize and regroup.

The Design Day’s assessment is a proactive approach to avoid this situation and provides a comprehensive map forward that takes the mystery out of how to manage extraordinary growth and accomplishment.

The Design Days are conducted on site with the key stakeholders and decision makers for the enterprise. As we apply the elements of Organizational Transformation to current situations, weaknesses and stress points become obvious. Old practices and procedures that have lost their relevance to the current business environment become apparent and can be retired to free up resources to fix what is not working and/or provide what is missing to re-energize yourselves and your workforce.

You are left with a clear perspective of your current situation and recommendations for moving your organization forward to fulfill on your desired outcomes with an elegant design for eliminating redundancies and maximizing your available resources.

It is our view, the culture of an organization determines people’s points of view, behaviors, actions. We call them paradigms that act as forces or lenses to view life through. Unfortunately, we rarely see and address the present culture inside the organization. We mainly seek to establish new processes, practices, standards, ideals that are more, better and different than what was before. All to address the productivity and sales challenges so we have a prescription or certainty for success. This rarely works in the long term. Over 70% of change efforts fail in the execution stage. We do not see that there is a default culture already present that began at the companies inception (as in oral traditions) and overtime gained mass and became solid ways of thinking and acting, the norm allowing for a lid on what can be possible.

Our High Powered Professional Sales program is designed to embrace the current culture and establish new paradigms of thinking and acting. Without addressing the current default design, overtime any breakthroughs just become business as usual and fall back to the way things were. The program is custom designed and address three areas. The sales staff, sales managers and the entire organization.

“Clients constantly are saying to me, ‘The most important thing you can do is to tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear.’” - Julie Sweet of Accenture

Although our coaching programs are not comfortable, they provide the necessary feedback to see one’s blindspots thus allowing one to take actions not seen prior to our work together. This is what allows for the extraordinary!

Below are some of the benefits clients have reported receiving while working with an Integritas coach:


  • are not weak if you use a coach, it really demonstrates a commitment to learn, grow and exceed your current strengths

  • see your blind spots

  • deal with issues that have been a concern for you for sometime such that they get resolved or no longer need the attention they once did.

  • have someone be a committed listener to your goals, projects and objectives. And, interact with you straight, with ruthless compassion.

  • someone that holds you to account for your promises.

  • are able to discuss issues, goals, and projects in total confidence and trust with another who is outside the system you presently operate in.

  • have someone who can see into the situation with a fresh, objective view.

  • have conversations with your coach that leaves you freed up, open, refreshed, validated and challenged with a renewed sense of possibility and new opportunities to explore.

  • learn how you are viewed by others in your organization such that you develop a training and development plan to give you a new place to stand with credibility in the organization.

  • experience being listened too.

  • design a plan and be in action with your coach to accomplish your goals and objectives powerfully and with velocity.

  • discover ways of effectively communicating that leave you and others able to see and act on new possibilities.

  • learn new techniques and ways of dealing with difficult colleagues, partners, employees so all win in the situation.

  • learn new principles for coaching others to design and produce results that go beyond expectation.

  • learn distinct modes of coaching and the appropriate application of each mode.

  • improve relationships and communication with those you manage.

  • are able to see into the culture of your team or department and organization and identify high leverage opportunities for effective change

  • expand creativity and participation from project players

  • learn through Executive Impact Interviews how you are seen and listened to by your management, peers and reports. (*Much more personal than 360 degree feedback)

  • design the practices to influence a change based on the results of these interviews.

  • learn to create a balanced lifestyle and still get the job done.

  • you may have fun and enjoy what you see

Recommended forms for coaching relationship:

  • Face to face meetings

  • Telephone coaching sessions

  • Observing your running meetings /teleconferences and coach you in being impactful and effective

  • Participate in workshop settings to transfer these benefits to others.

  • Webinars

  • Executive Impact Interviews (specific design to 360 feedback)

Given the current COVID-19 environment, all of Integritas Consulting Group, Inc. programs are being offered and very successfully delivered online.

All of our programs are custom designed for your special needs and situations.

Barry has a commitment to widely sharing the possibility that Realistic Integrity can bring to one’s performance, quality of organizational and personal life. People who have applied the fundamentals of this new model have reported a huge increase in their personal and organizational performance.

He has delivered keynote presentations on the subject to various organizations. He is inspired by the work on integrity and leadership by Michael C. Jensen, Jessie Isidor Straus Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School Chairman, Managing Director and Integrity Czar, Social Science Research Network and Independent Consultant, Werner H. Erhard. Colleagues who are currently co-writing a book on A New Model of Integrity.


The ideas in this talk are derived from Integrity: A Positive Model that Incorporates the Normative Phenomena of Morality, Ethics, and Legality — Abridged authored by Werner Erhard, Michael C. Jensen, and Steve Zaffron and are used with permission. Link to paper available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1542759)

He has delivered Integrity Matters!  The Ground on Which Workability Stands as a keynote at many conferences throughout the USA and Canada. Here is a partial list of events:

North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders

Arizona State Superintendent of Schools

Washington Association of School Administrators

University of Denver, RHIL, Environmental Health Professionals conference in Aspen, Colorado 2007

San Joaquin Human Resources Assoc, Labor Law Conference, Stockton, California

San Antonio Human Resources Association (SAHRA) (SRHM)

Space Coast HRM

Robert G. Hemingway Foundation

Truman University, Missouri

Federal Aviation Administration Faculty Mentor program

Federal Aviation Administration - Airports Division and Planning Divisions

IHS, Denver, Colorado

Portland, ME’s Rotary, and Denver Rotary

E &J Gallo Winery

Denver Council on Foreign Affairs

New Mexico District Attorney’s Association

And, many other organizations...

New Distinctions for Living Created Futures

You do not have to change anyone…
by establishing new conversations, they see the world differently and thus act in new ways.
By adding unique practices for sustainability, we interrupt the status quo.